


Understanding the Science Behind Cementitious Fireproofing's Properties

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on July 11, 2024

Fireproofing your building during the construction process can truly make a difference in the case of an emergency in the future. Tall corporate buildings, in particular, can become rather dangerous when there is a fire as there is typically high occupancy and a long distance to travel to access...


Why Toronto Builders and Owners Trust Cementitious Fireproofing the Most

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on June 28, 2024

Cementitious fireproofing is a popular choice among property owners and builders. It is a single-component plaster material that is spray-applied, and it is designed to prevent the foundation of your building from failing in the chance of a fire. It can used for both steel and concrete surfaces and...


EcoStar Insulation: The 1st Company to Use Exoskeletons in the GTA

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on April 26, 2024

How are Exoskeletons being used in the insulation industry? Ecostar insulation, a leader in spray foam insulation and fireproofing insulation, shows the road to the future. By implementing labor enhancement technologies we relieve the workload from the installer and improve his performance. The...


Types of Fireproofing Options for Steel

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on March 25, 2024

The significance of fire safety lies in its ability to prevent catastrophic outcomes. In the event of a fire, the rapid spread of flames and smoke can lead to extensive harm to individuals and assets. Implementing thorough fire safety protocols and practices can mitigate the likelihood of harm and...

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