
Home Insulation


Is it Normal for My Air Conditioner to Run All Day?

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on July 20, 2021

In the hot summer months, the only solution we can find to keep our living spaces comfortable and cool is an air conditioner. It is not a secret that air conditioners are responsible for approx. 30% of an average house’s monthly energy bills. Yes, cooling costs and it does even more if...


Fiberglass Insulation Problems: 6 Things to Watch Out For

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on July 10, 2021

As with every insulation material, there are advantages and disadvantages. To start with, the benefits of home insulation include energy efficiency and a significant improvement of comfort. To add, home insulation keeps your home clean from pests and rodents and also your walls from moisture...


2021 Home Insulation Statistics, Trends, and Facts

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on June 30, 2021

The energy we lose every day from our homes and workplaces has a significant impact on the environment and our pockets as well. As we all know, home insulation is of utmost importance when it comes to preserving energy and working towards a more energy-efficient living, working, or storage...


Cellulose Insulation Guide for 2021

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on June 20, 2021

Along with fiberglass insulation and spray foam insulation, cellulose insulation is one of the most commonly used insulation methods in Ontario. It is preferred by homeowners, as well as by insulation crews due to its properties and ease of use. It delivers a relatively high R-Value and with the...


Should I Spray Foam my Whole House?

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on April 30, 2021

There is no such thing as too much insulation. It all depends on your budget and the goal you have towards achieving the best energy efficient results. To us, the ideal use of insulation is a satisfactory point that is achieved by using the highest amount of material with the given budget. By...

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