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What Exactly is R-Value and Why is it So Important?

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on September 14, 2016

On a more technical level, R-Value measures resistance to heat flow through a given material. For an average homeowner, it translates into a simpler equation – the higher the R-Value rating, the greater the resistance to any heat flow. But this is only part of the explanation, since there are...


The Advantages of Spray Foam Insulation

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on August 25, 2016

For professionals, Spray Foam Insulation is considered to be the best product on the market today. When it’s properly installed, SFI is a total “insulation system”, providing more benefits in one installation than anything comparable. One application of SFI delivers superb results...


Where to Stop Heat Loss with Spray Foam Insualtion

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on November 30, -0001

Heat loss is a prevalent issue in many modern homes. Homes without quality insulation can lose a great deal of heat in the winter, which can contribute to discomfort, poor energy efficiency and high energy bills. Effectively identifying areas where heat escapes the most and addressing it with...

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